sexta-feira, julho 27, 2007


May 14th, 2007
Political correctness is racism. That’s right. Political correctness: The idea that a white European must not dare utter a word that would hurt the feelings of a different racial group is absolute, unequivocal, albeit insidious, racism. For our purposes we will use the term racism in the conventional sense, the idea that one racial group is “better” in some sense, than another racial group. In reality, the term means nothing other than a belief in the existence of human racial groups, but for now let’s pretend.
To illustrate the point that political correctness is racism, we must delve into our own subjective inner world. It is simple to demonstrate quantitatively that political correctness is a form of racism (double standards, etc.) Yet the question still lingers in our minds: How did political correctness come to place such a straightjacket on our everyday discourse? This question can only be answered qualitatively. We must peer into the inner workings of the mind of Western man to understand why we are so politically correct, and why some of our best characteristics as a people are being used so effectively against us.
When I was in my late teens I got a job at the zoo. I had determined that my life’s calling was to be an animal behaviorist, and I planned to get as much practical experience as possible before heading off to college to pursue a degree in Zoology (I later decided on Anthropology as my area of interest narrowed to primate behavioral studies.) Although my duties at the zoo were confined mostly to the drudgery of preparing meals and cleaning feces, I was able to obtain some up close interactions with a variety of wild animals, interactions not readily available to the general public. One of my most indelible memories from this brief period was strangely analogous to our current politically correct paradigm.
Every morning I was charged with hosing out the indoor enclosure of the African elephants. Sometimes one of the more senior zookeepers would bring her Australian Shepherd dog to work with her. On these occasions her dog would accompany her to some of the early morning cleaning duties. When the dog would come near the elephants, he would bark and snarl and do everything in his power to herd the elephants. The amazing part of this was the effect of this tiny little herding dog on these truly giant creatures. The mighty elephants would go into a complete panic when this dog started yipping at them. I would sit there in a state of utter dissonance that these Herculean beasts would give a flip about some yipping animal perhaps 1/500th of their size. Still, every time this little shepherd dog would start to bark at them they would go into frenzy. If these elephants could talk I have to assume that they would say, “ I know there is no logical explanation for me to be so perturbed by a creature so diminutive in stature, yet whenever he starts yipping and yapping, all I want to do is get away from him. I would give or do anything just to have him aim his vitriol elsewhere. I am a generally peaceful creature and will concede to him if he will only leave me in peace.” You see where I am going with this? How much are we, white Europeans like the mighty elephant? How many times have we, with all of our latent power, made concession after concession to those less powerful than we, those who have learned to intimidate us by endlessly haranguing us with demands and forever plying their evocations of guilt. I use this illustration simply to prepare the ground for a deeper understanding of what makes the Western mind tick. I will digress no further.
The question surfaces: Why are we so cowed by angry minorities? We know scientifically, that radical differences exist between racial groups. From intelligence to altruism, to the ability to build and maintain a civilization, the races are advantaged or disadvantaged by factors outside of the individual’s control, namely genetics. Why then, when we know beyond a doubt that the misery some groups create for themselves is not our fault, do we allow ourselves to be cowed into compliance with their every demand? We must come to the realization that there is only one solution to the problems faced by non-whites that will be acceptable to them. That solution is for us, white Westerners, to simply disappear. For only when we are gone will other racial groups not have to look at us and our success. Only when we are gone (or completely enslaved) will the non-white races cease to look upon us and feel the nagging jealousy and resentment born not of our success, but of their abject failure. After some 40 plus years of trying to accommodate the “huddled masses” of the non-white world we are finally getting some clarity as to the real nature of the conflict between whites and non-whites. They clamor not for equality, but for domination. Domination of the abundance we create, our resources, our lands and eventually our very persons. Racial conflict is a zero sum game friends. Nature doesn’t recognize equality, only victory.
So if political correctness is a form of racism, let’s look at how. First and foremost, political correctness is a function of guilt. Guilt at the daily evidence of some racial group’s inability to thrive in the first world societies we create, or in the dysfunctional societies they create. How could any of us look at the endless daily sufferings of Darfur or Haiti and really think we are “all the same under the skin.” How can we see the filth and squalor in the overpopulated sub-continent of India and really believe race is a “social construct.” If racial differences were non existent or negligible, other racial groups would be able to manage their own affairs, with some modicum of success, instead of relying on Western nations for emigration of their miserable citizens and billions of dollars annually in aid from primarily white Western nations, and we all know it. In essence, regardless of the platitudes we may spit out, we have a deep understanding of the failures of other people, and it wrongfully makes us feel guilty for our own success. Gratitude would be the appropriate response on our part, but our enemies have figured out our one weakness: Our high levels of altruism (the same altruism that enables us to build and maintain stable, productive societies) can be twisted effectively into guilt. Indeed, altruism is one of our greatest evolutionary behavioral advantages, and now it is being used by alien races to blackmail us emotionally and financially. As you can see, those of our people who are politically correct, weather they know it or not, are tacitly acknowledging what they perceive as the inferiority of the non-white races. Why else would they be so concerned about the feelings of angry non whites? If non-whites truly perceived themselves as equal, they would have no need to blackmail good natured white nations. And if guilt ridden, politically correct whites truly perceived non-whites as equals, they would feel no guilt at all towards the non-white races when they continued to fail.
An important qualification of political correctness among whites in our relations with non-whites would be our relations with East Asians. As I majored in anthropology in college, I came in contact with as many people as I could from different cultures. The one racial group with whom I came in contact who didn’t need white guilt to thrive was the East Asians. Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese are generally highly productive, highly intelligent, and highly ethnocentric. But instead of feeling guilty about what they perceived as their own cultural superiority, they viewed their feelings of ethnic pride as natural and healthy. The East Asians I have known are the only racial group of people with whom I could honestly discuss race, without fear of their feelings getting bent out of shape. Oh yeah, and they think our political correctness is completely insane.
Why does this dichotomy exist? It’s quite simple really. East Asians don’t feel inferior to white Europeans. If I were to claim that Europeans were superior to them they would laugh and tell me why it is they who are superior. You see, it doesn’t really matter who is superior or if there is such a thing. What matters is that Europeans and East Asians are both confident in the accomplishments of their people. Our respective peoples would simply laugh if a claim were made that we were inferior. The reason that most non-whites become so enraged when reminded of white cultural dominance is not because we are an arrogant people. It is because THEY, the non-whites feel inferior to us. And when we exhibit politically correct speech and attitudes it is WE who are acknowledging the inferiority they feel. It is as if we are saying: “You know, you people really are an incompetent lot, and we know that you know that. This makes us feel guilty because we ARE smarter and more competent than you, so we will allow you to kick and scream and we will keep giving money to your organizations and writing laws that are in complete opposition to our own people’s interests. And while we are at it, bring your families from all over the world, and because of our superiority, we will be benevolent and let all of you suck from the teat of our largesse.” The irony here folks is, that the more we give the more angry the non-whites become, because weather they know it or not, our own political correctness, like I said earlier, is a tacit acknowledgement of a non-white’s utter incompetence, and it drives them even more into a rage, thus the cycle continues.
This same phenomenon of guilt to the point of sublimating our group needs for those of other groups is not only limited to our speech and our racially suicidal policies. It is also an issue with how we organize ourselves as a people. The idea of becoming actively pro European, or pro-white is embarrassing to most people. It is not that most people think that supporting other white people is inherently wrong. Even the most liberal among us self segregate at every opportunity (every dollar that Susie Q. Liberal gives to that exorbitantly priced private school belies any politically correct nonsense she may spout.) Even the most politically correct of us still prefers to work, live, play and marry among our own race. It is that the concept of white solidarity seems unnecessary and unfair because many politically correct whites DO feel superior intellectually, culturally and economically to non-whites and this triggers their guilt (as if they can help how they were born.) In our culture the concept of fairness, justice, benevolence and altruism are pronounced features. You could say these features are an integral facet of our ethos as a people and a major reason, aside from high intelligence, that we continue to prosper. Well, why would politically correct whites display such generosity to the point of eschewing open racial solidarity? It is, once again, because our politically correct brethren, deep down, believe that to identify as openly pro-white would be an injustice to those who are NOT their equals. It would be like kicking a man (or an entire racial group) while they are down. After all, if we were to organize racially, it would be unfair because of our vast resources, or so the argument goes. This notion of fair play has been invaluable in helping maintain our societies, but in the face of parasitic aliens, it can be deadly.
Once again, political correctness in the form of spurning group identity is, shall I say it again….Racist. Even so called conservatives buy into this line of thinking. We oppose “illegal” immigration because it’s……. “illegal.” HOGWASH ! ! We oppose almost all immigration because we do not want to change the ethnic balance of our country! ! We do not want to be a minority in the lands our fathers built…..for US, not for people from Pakistan or Mexico or Bangladesh or Guatemala, for us, period. We do not want to change the ethnic balance of our country because most non-whites HATE us and envy us. If the truth hurts so be it. We have learned this lesson from the 40 some odd years of intolerance shown us by the beneficiaries of the “civil rights” movement, and we certainly don’t want to repeat it. We are now wise enough to know that non-whites who come into our lands do not want to become a part of our national family. They want to live as parasites off of the bounty we have created in every niche of the globe upon which we have set our feet, end of story. Is that so damn hard to say? What the hell is wrong with just being honest? The truth is that we would rather die than hurt the feelings of those who we think are lesser than we. It’s just the way we are. Isn’t that what we are saying by our aversion to speaking the whole truth. Once again, such political correctness, even by so called conservatives, is racist. For if they honestly thought that Mexicans were capable of reforming their own dilapidated society, wouldn’t they just say, “ Hey, you all are a proud, intelligent people, you need to take care of your own country and let us take care of ours.” The fact that they try to cover for these peoples perceived dysfunction by saying it is about legality and not race, is evidence of what they really think about them. Racism belied once again.
Now here’s what I think about minorities who are hostile to white Europeans. Nothing, that’s right, nothing. I believe we have a duty to counter the lies sold to us by the media and academia, but that’s about it. You see, I don’t blame other racial groups for exploiting our weaknesses. Any racial group that allows themselves to be pushed around to the perverse extent we allow ourselves to be pushed around, well, deserve it. It is for this reason that I don’t really waste much time being angry with those that hate me. I do however look upon many of my own racial group with utter incredulity. How are we so easily cowed when for over 2500 years now we have led the world in science, literature, technology, agriculture, architecture, the arts, military prowess, and dare I say it……logic (although that could be argued these days.) I am more concerned that we get our own collective house in order. Upon this occurrence nothing can stop us. No angry minority, no New World Order, not even terrestrial limitations can hold us back. Yes, it is we who hold our destiny, not anyone else.
How is it that we are so easily bewitched by our own evolutionarily adaptive goodness? Goodness is the very reason why we believe we are bad when we offend some pitiable minority. Goodness is why we donate billions to every conceivable charitable cause on a private basis. Goodness is why we bring home stray dogs on a rainy night and try to find them a home. Goodness is why we hold doors open for old ladies and try not to cuss when we are coaching our kids little league teams. Yes folks, this is goodness, made manifest by countless generations of teaching our ethics to each generation, who in turn lives our ethics and passes them on. The fact that we are even having this discussion now is because of our goodness and our heartfelt desire to help others and do no harm. Our people and our people alone are so good in contrast to other races that we bend over backwards to help them, even when they demonstrate utter contempt for us, our history, our heroes and culture, even our lives. You see, our goodness simply doesn’t translate in other cultures. It is only seen as weakness. And as opposed to whites, the non-whites have a particular contempt for what they perceive as weakness. In other words we are damned no matter what we do. Even if what we do is, as I have shown, politically correct. Either way, we will be perceived by non-whites as “thinking we are better than they are.” And another point, there will never be any reciprocity for the goodness we display towards other racial groups. There will be no thank you’s or mutual love, understanding or brotherhood. We cannot continue to project our cultural values onto other cultures as we have done for decades now. If we do, we will continue to get burned.
It is time to put political correctness, in all its forms to rest. True equality demands it. Does the rich father benefit the son whom he neglected, by spoiling him because of his guilt? Of course he doesn’t. The son only becomes more miserable and demanding. Guilt doesn’t help us and it doesn’t help non-whites. Guilt and the tacit acknowledgement of group shortcomings is the root of our politically correct Western worldview. It is time for open discourse in this country. It is time for open discourse in all white Western countries. It is time to get over the fact that God or nature or whatever you wish to call it, has blessed us. It is time to get over guilt for natural evolutionary processes that we had no control over. It is time to end self flagellation. It is time for a healthy understanding of our goodness and our destiny as a people, and it is time to stop being afraid. In other words, it is time……for truth.

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